There is nothing better than homemade Almond Milk because it is fresh, made without preservatives, fillers, or flavorings! It only takes almonds, water, and a high-speed blender to make this. My family has been drinking and using almond milk for a very long time, not just for beverages but for many other things as well. The hassle-free, super-easy Almond Milk recipe is right at your fingertips.
About Almond Milk
Among many plant-based milk options, almond milk is one of the most popular. Despite the fancy sounding recipe, Almond Milk can be made quite simply by blending soaked almonds with water and straining the mixture to remove the solids.
The taste of plain milk would never appeal to me, even when it was sweetened. It’s hard to describe my love for Almond Milk after trying it a couple of times. Especially for someone like me who doesn’t naturally prefer milk, it’s so good. My perception has been completely altered as a result of it.
The drink is easy on the stomach and does not leave a typical milky aftertaste. Plant-based milk can be consumed by even people with lactose intolerance or allergies to dairy.
The benefits of homemade
A batch of Almond Milk made at home is pure and fresh. Thus, always better than the store-bought one. This is because of the following reasons:
- It is going to be free from any additives, preservatives or fillers.
- You will only use the best quality or organic almonds to make it.
- Almonds like any other nuts tend to become rancid very soon. When you are preparing this milk at home, you’ll have the assurance of not using rancid almonds for the same.
- You will know the source of water.
This Almond Milk recipe is the perfect guide for you to make a great quality batch of this plant-based milk.
How To Make Almond Milk
1. Boil 2 cups water in a pot or saucepan and switch off the heat when the water starts boiling. You could also boil water in an electric kettle.
2. Rinse 1 cup almonds and add these to the boiled water. Cover with a lid and blanch for 30 to 45 minutes.
You could also opt to soak the almonds overnight for 7 to 8 hours. Later drain the water and use the almonds to blend.
3. Drain the water from the blanched almonds. To peel the almonds, press the peel of the almond between your thumb and forefinger. The peel comes off easily. Peel all the almonds this way.
You could choose to keep the peels if you have less time as we will be straining the milk later. But if you plan not to strain the milk, then do peel them. Ground almonds husks are irritating to the throat.
If you make almond milk everyday or make in more quantities, it will not be possible for you to peel them every time. So it is better that you strain the milk after blending.
4. Now transfer the peeled almonds in a sturdy high-speed blender and add 4 cups water. Cover with the lid and blend till smooth.
The almonds must be finely ground and should have not any chunks or bits.
5. Now strain the almond milk. Using a juice strainer or fine sieve or nut milk bag or muslin/cheese cloth bag, strain the milk keeping a large bowl or a jug below.
6. You will see the milk filtering down and the almond meal in the strainer. Press the meal with a wooden or non-reactive metal spoon to extract the maximum milk.
7. Collect the leftover almond meal and freeze or refrigerate it for further use. You can also choose to discard it. I usually add them to my cookies and bread.
Do read on below in the “Expert Tips” section on how you can use the this almond meal in your cooking.
8. Collect the almond milk in a ceramic or glass jar or glass bottle. Keep the jar covered in a refrigerator.
9. Use this to make your favorite drink, add to cereals or just have it as is. For a warm drink, just warm the milk, don’t boil.
With almond milk, I make many fruit based smoothies and shakes like Apple Milkshake, Avocado Shake, Strawberry Milkshake. I also add it to baked recipes like Date Cake and many more.

Expert Tips
- Peeling almonds: Blanching the almonds in hot water makes them easier to peel. You can also soak the almonds overnight. I find peeling overnight soaked almonds cumbersome as the peels don’t come off easily. You can keep the peels if you want. I remove them as they can cause irritation in the throat when ground.
- Straining almond milk: It can be strained in one go or twice or thrice. For thick milk, first blend the almonds with 1 or 2 cups of water and strain. Collect the leftover almond meal in the blender. Add 2 cups water and blend again. Strain and this will be the thin milk.
- Storage: It stays best for 3 to 4 days in a refrigerator. So, make as per your need. Shake the bottle or stir the Almond Milk in the jar before using as the heavy particles settle down.
- What to do with leftover almond meal: You can use the leftover almond meal for your roti dough, bread dough and even sweets. Or roast it in a pan till it becomes dry and grind it to get nutritious homemade almond flour. This flour can be used to make excellent gluten-free tarts, cookies, cakes, breads and other goodies.
- Heating almond milk: Avoid boiling or overheating of the Almond Milk as it causes the milk to separate and lose its flavor. You can gently warm or lightly heat it.
1. What is the recommended soaking time for almonds?
Almonds should be soaked overnight for the best results.
2. Almond Milk can be used during the summer as well?
You can do that. In order to reduce the heat factor in the almonds, they should be soaked overnight. Drinks and beverages can be made with it this way during the summer.