It is the best Mango Juice recipe made from organic Alphonso mangoes that makes a nectar-like drink that is wonderfully sweet. Discover how to make a delicious juice that’s perfect for drinking by the glassful or incorporating into any number of juice-based drinks.
About on Mango Juice
The thing I love most about mangos is mango juice, so I’m somewhat of an expert when it comes to it. It is my absolute favorite to use mangoes in recipes such as mango milkshakes, mango smoothies, mango cheesecakes, and mango puddings. When given the choice between a slice of mango and a glass of juice, I’d gladly opt for the juice made from mango nectar.
Though I enjoy mango juice for many years, I prefer making it with organic alphonso mangoes more than anything else. In my opinion, these are the most prized variety of this fruit. Their flesh is sweet and delicious, and they are very large and juicy.
The alphonso mango is ideal for making mango juice, and you can use other mangoes if you don’t have alphonso.
The nutritional value of mangoes is evident, so it’s a good idea to include them in your diet. A rich source of vitamins A, C, and dietary fibre, they are also an excellent source of antioxidants.
I share my simple mango juice recipe with you here, along with tips for preparing the best, most refreshing mango juice. This is a great summer recipe, and you can enjoy it as it is or with your favorite snacks!
When you want to store fresh mangoes for a long period
- You can freeze chopped fresh mangoes in ziploc bags to enjoy in the off-season. The mango should be chopped into small pieces to fit properly in the ziploc bags. Peeling the skin is optional.
- While packing in ziploc bags, ensure that the mango pieces are not on top of one other. Also, before sealing the bags, push out as much oxygen as possible from them.
- You should keep your ziploc bags with mango horizontally in the freezer, for the fruit to freeze evenly.
- You can also make puree from the mangoes. Freeze them in ice trays. Then remove the frozen cubes and transfer them to container or ziploc bags. Keep in the freezer. When you want to enjoy any mango based drink or dessert, remove the frozen mango cubes and add them while making the recipe. You can thaw them slightly before you proceed.
- It is advisable to consume the frozen mangoes within 6 months of storing in the freezer.
How to make Mango Juice
Peel and chop mangoes
1. First, rinse the mangoes very well under clean water. Dry them with a clean kitchen towel. Use a sharp knife or peeler to peel the skins.
Start at the bottom of each mango, and slice upwards towards the more narrow end to remove the skin, keeping as much of the flesh intact as possible.
TIP: To reduce the heating qualities of mangoes, soak them in water in a bowl or pan for a couple of hours.
2. Next, chop the mangoes and discard the stone. To separate the flesh from the center pit, first slice large chunks off on both sides of the stone.
Scrape or slice through the remaining flesh and place them on the chopping board. Chop these slices and scrapings into small pieces, like in the photo below.
3. Transfer the chopped mangoes to a blender.
4. Blend until smooth. Add a splash of water or milk (dairy or plant-based) to thin out slightly into a flowing runny juice, if you like.
You can add a few ice cubes to make into an icy smoothie-like mango juice. Personally, I like my mango juice without anything added for the richest, creamiest and pulpy drink.
5. Serve the fresh juice immediately, or you can chill in the refrigerator. Feel free to garnish with your favorite juice or smoothie toppings, like chopped nuts, fresh berries, herbs or seeds.
I like to add a sprinkle of chia seeds to my juice, and my family loves chopped cashews and almonds. Get creative and enjoy!

Expert Tips
- Additional flavors: I recommend that you do not add any additional flavorings to this mango juice recipe, to really let the mango shine. That said, if you prefer you can combine some other fruit juice like strawberry juice, pomegranate juice, orange juice with mangoes.
- Mangoes: Use sweet and ripe mangoes that have a firm juicy pulp, like alphonso. Avoid fibrous, unripe mangoes. If your mangoes are sweet, you absolutely do not need to add any sugar or sweetener.
- Garnish and toppings: Keep a few pieces of mango intact while you prepare the juice. Then you can use these slices as a lovely garnish with your drinks. You could garnish with fresh herbs like mint or with berries (fresh or dried), nuts or seeds.
- For a cold juice: Add some ice cubes while blending. Or refrigerate the mango juice for a few hours. Keep the mangoes in refrigerator overnight before juicing them.
Consistency: To thin the consistency slightly, add water or a fruit juice or ice cubes.