Whether you consume Orange Juice on its own or include it in a recipe, this healthy beverage is delicious. Making freshly squeezed orange juice at home is quite simple, even without a standing juicer. In this article, I will share with you step-by-step instructions for making orange juice with a blender or mixer.
About Orange Juice Recipe
The taste of freshly squeezed fruit juice is unmatched by anything else. Over the years, I have shared several of my favorite juice recipes, such as Pineapple Juice, Apple Juice, Musk Melon Juice, and Watermelon Juice. This recipe for orange juice is a classic and one of the biggest hits.
It is not only tasty to consume oranges raw as a juice, but also a good way to obtain the most nutrients. With a bit of fiber, each sip is packed with vitamin C, vitamin A, and antioxidants.
An electric juicer makes it virtually effortless to make a healthy glass of juice from almost any ingredient. It might seem a bit intimidating to squeeze oranges at home without a standing juicer, especially if you don’t have one.
Here’s how to make orange juice from scratch with a mixer or blender – no countertop gadgets required!
Orange segments can be blended with or without sugar and/or lemon juice, strained, and enjoyed! Besides drinking it straight, orange juice can also be used to make mocktails, smoothies, and baked goods.
How to make Orange Juice
- Peel the oranges and take the orange segments in a mixie jar or blender jar.
- Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice. This is optional and you can skip if you want.
- Run the mixie or blender on low to medium speed for some seconds till the mixture becomes pulpy and the oranges are crushed.
- Avoid blending too much as we just need to crush the segments and not the seeds.
- If the seeds gets crushed, the juice will become bitter. So don’t blend at a stretch.
- You can also use the pulse option of the blender. If you prefer you can remove the orange seeds before juicing them.
- Line a juice strainer over a bowl or pan. In the juice strainer, pour the orange juice.
- Strain the juice with a help of a spoon. Keep on pressing and moving the spoon, so that the all the juice is strained well.
- You should only have the stringy orange pulp remaining after all the juice is strained.
- The juice will be collected in the bowl or pan. If you want you can add some sugar or honey or jaggery to the juice to sweeten it.
- Pour immediately in glasses and serve orange juice.
Orange Juice Benefits
In addition to being a great source of vitamins C and A, as well as minerals such as potassium and folate, making orange juice at home is a great way to boost your nutrition intake. Using naturally sweet oranges makes it even lower in calories, especially if you don’t add any additional sweetener to it.
The following are some other health benefits of orange juice:
- The antioxidant content of orange juice is astounding. Therefore, it is beneficial for the prevention of diabetes, cancers, and heart diseases.
- As a great source of Vitamin C, it helps the immune system (thereby reducing inflammation) and helps prevent colds.
- In order to reduce the possibility of kidney stones, it is known to be a preventive measure.
- It might be beneficial to drink orange juice to improve the health of your brain and heart.

- To avoid needing to add additional sweetener, try using oranges that have a sweet taste. Adding sugar or honey or your preferred sweetener will make the oranges sweeter if they aren’t already sweet.
- The juice should be consumed immediately after preparation. You shouldn’t leave it standing for more than a few hours since it will turn bitter.
- In order to make a colder juice, place the oranges or orange segments in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
- Scaling the recipe is possible.